Committed to Empowering Others To Take More Vacations
Over the years, traveling has become a crucial part of my life. It became a struggle trying to plan vacations due to my busy lifestyle. I realized that I was not alone. I've met many individuals expressing how much they would love to travel but unable to do so due to different barriers. We want to travel but...
We need a steady income
We don't have time
We work 9-5
We are adults with responsibilities
We don't know where to go
We can't find an affordable destination
I know traveling can be financially and emotionally stressful. However, I believe everything is possible with planning.
In 2017, I embarked on a Zcation movement.
A Zcation is short for vacation. My mission is not to convince you to quit your job and travel, my mission is to empower you to take more vacations and travel.
I made a promise to take at least one Kimzcation (aka Kim's vacation) each month for one year. What started as just a one-year goal to prove that it is possible to take more than one vacation a year, ended as a lifestyle.
I work 9-5 as an SEM Manager. I have created a work-travel-life-balance. Throughout my travels, I have gained so much knowledge and have grown immensely.
While I love to travel, I'm also very passionate about being budget-friendly and keeping finances in check. I hope Zcation will be a hub for anyone who would like to travel. Whether you’re looking for financial insights, life coaching, trips motivations, recommendations, or simply info about my past and future travels, there is something for everyone to enjoy.